Project Definition
-To redesign the papparich kopitiam's website by changing a better interface design, good navigation button and well-arranged info.
Current Site’s Analysis Goals
-Have a better interface design which different style from the competitors.
-Better grid system and info hierarchy.
-Better navigation placement and treatment on it.
-Well arrangement of info.
Client’s Analysis
-A kopitiam with the concept of traditional classic malaysian style.
-Selling coffee and asian delicacies at affordable prices yet the quality is the main factor to attract the customer.
-Embodying the classical feel that you have experienced in the small kopitiam back in the oldies.
Short & Long-term Site Goals
-Letting people to detail info and newest news of the shop.
-Letting people to know their specialties and other food as well.
-Increasing customer by letting them know the nearest location around them.
Target Audience
-People from 19 to 30.
Competitor Analysis
-Better interface design and navigation.
-Info well-arranged.
-Good hierarchy in typo and info.
-Better grid system.
Idea & Concept Implementation
-Using the corporate identity color of papparich which is green to combine with earth color like brown in order to create a harmony and friendly feel for the viewer. Papparich is holding the concept of tradisional malaysian style, so flora pattern like batik will be added in. Follow the graphic from the previous website, the style of the graphic will be used as the background interface and info graphic design. Creating a better navigation and place them at the correct place so that the viewer won't be confused. The specialties will be on the homepage since it is the main product of papparich.